Do you have any questions about us or our products? Scroll through our most frequently asked questions.

What is your shipping time?

Shipping time will depend on your location. Most packages are received within 10 working days. If you have any concerns about your order, send us a message.

I haven't received an order confirmation, is this normal?

In some cases, it is possible to not receive an order confirmation due to server errors that can be either on our end or yours. If you have any concerns, send us a message and we will confirm the order status. Please make sure you check your spam inbox!

How long will my refund take to arrive?

Once a refund has been approved, it can take up to 7 days to appear on you bank statement, depending on your bank. If the refund is made within 48h from the order payment, in some cases the charge can disappear (you wont see a debiting and crediting transaction).

Where is your shop based?

Our offices are based in Barcelona, Spain.

Can I return what I purchased?

Yes, we have a 30-day return policy. The shipping costs are paid by the customer unless the return is due to a manufacturing defect or malfunction. When applicable, the costs will be deducted from the refundable amount. For more information you can visit our Retun Policy.

Do your products have warranty?

Yes, we offer a 6 month warranty on all items. For warranty claims, please get in touch with us using the contact form and we will tell you how to proceed.